Utilizing my spouse's abilities. She contributed immensely to the case work, hearing preparation and spoke at the arbitration. She was instrumental in preparing my chronology of events and writing out the transcripts.
Having a witness (in my case, my spouse) present during the hearing was essential. Between us, we didn’t miss anything that needed to be said. Two heads are always better than one.
Preparation the day before the hearing was key (after the hearing the legal representative made a comment that I presented the most prepared case he had ever seen). The day before was spent rehearsing my statements and preparing for all possible questions.
Planning ahead when I realized a problem was developing.
Taping the phone calls and having a witness to each conversation, which provided indisputable evidence.
Because I read my prepared statements I ensured that I did not leave out any important information.
Having a transcript of all conversations to quote verbatim in the hearing.
Demonstrating my vehicle had a problem. The legal representative remarked that had I been unable to produce the noise, his case would have been easy.
Utilizing the CAMVAP website. An enormous amount of information is at your disposal there.
I was always professional when dealing with the dealership, the manufacturer and the arbitrator.
Cooperating as much as possible.
Thinking of participating in the Canadian Motor Vehicle Arbitration Plan (CAMVAP)? I recently used CAMVAP to arbitrate my vehicle's problem and won a buyback award. This site has been designed to provide information and tips to others in the arbitration process.